SHIFT – Cultural Heritage transformation project kicks off under Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe funding programme kicks of new research and inovation action via the SHIFT project

SHIFT: MetamorphoSis of cultural Heritage Into augmented hypermedia assets For enhanced accessibiliTy and inclusion supports the adoption of digital transformation strategies and the uptake of tools within the creative and cultural industries (CCI), where progress has been lagging.
audEERING is now participating in the SHIFT project with the goal of synthesizing emotional speech descriptions of historical exhibits. This will change the way one experiences a historical monument, especially for visually impaired people.

Affective Avatars & The Voice AI Solution

VR Avatars with Voice AI as the key factor - audeering

We use avatars to show our identity or assume other identities, and want to make sure we express ourselves the way we want. The key factor in expression is emotion. Without recognizing emotions, we have no way of modifying a player’s avatar to express their expression and individuality. 
With entertAIn play, recognizing emotion becomes possible.

Voice AI Perceives Emotions in Every World

What if Voice AI from audEERING can make the Metaverse more real

Human interaction is based on a language, on a context, on a world knowledge that we share. As a Voice AI company, we know that emotion is the key factor. Emotional expression gets us moving, creates movement and a collective response. It is a key factor in society. It is the basis for all the decisions we make. In creating a virtual reality, new dimensions and augmented experiences, this key factor cannot be missing.

Closing the Valence Gap in Emotion Recognition

blog gap between the valence gap in emotion regognition from voice. Finally closing the challgenge in speech emotion recogniton

2021 has been an exciting year for our researches working on the recognition of emotions from speech. Benefiting from the recent advances in transformer-based architectures, we have for the first time built models that predict valence with a similar high precision as arousal.

Human in the Loop – How Do We Create AI?

Human teaching two robots - how audeerign is creating AI

Developing AI technology as we do at audEERING, we need to understand our human perception. Everyday perception is enabling us to realize the emotional state of our communication partner in different situations. In the process of Human Machine Learning we need to give the algorithm essential input. How do we at audEERING create AI?

Contrastive Analysis: Baerbock, Laschet & Scholz

Annalena Baerbock, Armin Laschet and Olaf Scholz analyzed by audEERING`s Audio AI while their chancellor candidation With the Oszillogramm

The german politicians Annalena Baerbock, Armin Laschet and Olaf Scholz had been analyzed by audEERING’s Audio AI while their chancellor candidation. audEERING’s analyzes do not refer to the content of the speeches, but to acoustic, linguistic and emotional characteristics. These are identified by using scientific procedures and audEERING’s award-winning AI technology devAIce ™.

A Devcom 2021 Panel Review: AI for Playtesting & VR

devcom panel 2021 review AI for playtesting and VR panel participants

Just like last year, we are proud that we got the chance to present our ideas and be part of the devcom Developer Conference 2021. We talked in a panel discussion about the entertAIn brand. If you missed the talk, watch it on our Youtube Channel.

ERIK – Emotion Recognition for Autism Therapy

ERIK robot and human - Autism Therapy via project funded by the BMBF

The recognition and perception of emotional output is an essential part of human communication. To develop the socio-emotional communication skills of autistic children, therapy has to focus on that. In the ERIK project a new form of therapy is being developed.

EASIER: Voice AI for Barrier-Free Communication

Easier project with audEERING for Barrier-free communication helped by voice AI

The EU research project EASIER aims to design, develop and validate a complete multilingual machine translation system to serve as a framework for accessible communication for deaf and hearing people.